All courses of study offered by the College are following syllabuses either produced or approved by the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA).The regulations, procedures, examinations and course of study are under the guidance NESA.
In Years 9 and 10 English and Mathematics classes are graded, and students in Science, Australian History and Australian Geography classes are clustered based on their ability. Please note students must study one Mathematics course (this is mandatory).
Assessment & Reporting
All subjects completed by the end of Stage 5 contribute to the mandatory hours of study set by NESA. Each course sets regular homework for students in Year 10. An assessment handbook is distributed to students at the beginning of the year indicating the approximate due dates for all assessments. Examinations form part of this assessment. An Effort & Behaviour report is emailed home each school term and semester reports are produced at the completion of each semester.
Subjects offered in Year 10
Compulsory courses
Mathematics 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3
Elective courses (Students select TWO courses from this list and follow them through for both Years 9 & 10 (Stage 5)
Design & Technology
Food Technology
History Elective
Industrial Technology – Electronics or Multimedia or Textiles or Timber
Information Software Technology
NSW School of Languages – online course
Languages – Italian
Physical Activity and Sports Science
Visual Arts
Visual Design
CSBB Cross Campus courses – online courses in Ignite Talented Mathematics, Japanese Cultural, Future Ready Entrepreneurship, Philosophy