Mater Maria > Student Learning > Learner Diversity

Learner Diversity

At Mater Maria Catholic College we believe that:

  • Every child has the right to be educated to their maximum potential through an educational and pastoral program best suited to their needs and in the least restrictive environment.
  • Every child with additional needs has the right to be educated in their local Catholic secondary school with siblings and other parish members, wherever this is possible and in the best interests of the child.
  • Diversity within the school population is to be encouraged and valued as it has the potential to enrich the educational opportunities available to all.

As a fully inclusive mainstream College, the learner diversity staff work as an integral part of the team supporting students with additional needs. This team consists of the parents, the Learner Diversity KLA Leader, Leaders of Wellbeing, the Director of Student Achievement, class teachers, teacher’s assistants, Learner Diversity teachers and any outside agencies also involved with particular students.

Within the mainstream classroom, every effort is made to differentiate the curriculum in a variety of ways so that students with additional needs will achieve success, develop positive self-esteem and obtain necessary skills for their transition to the workplace and adult life.