
At Mater Maria Catholic College we aim to provide a learning environment where students embrace technology and staff are appropriately trained to meet the needs of students’ learning. As competent and savvy users, students are empowered in their learning and formation and all learning areas in the College promote positive and relevant IT experiences in their students’ learning. The College’s teaching and learning programs remain in the domain of the teacher-student relationship where technology supports and enhances the learning opportunities available to students.

The College is digitally networked with a robust and secure wireless infrastructure in a PC/Mac environment. Ceiling mounted projector and audio system are installed in all classroom. In addition the Fitzmaurice Learning Area provides a 220sqm of STEM learning space with 30 networked PCs, clean lab for equipment such as a laser cutter and 3D printers.

The College has established a parent-funded, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program, supporting 21st century teaching and learning. In order to achieve the goal of developing Engage, Positive, Independent and Connected (EPIC learners) the College encourages the use of resources that provide diverse learning opportunities matched to each student’s individual needs.

For more information on Mater Maria’s Technology Requirements please visit the ‘Technology Requirements (BYOD)’ page in the parent website portal, or click on ‘Contact Us’ below to contact our Business Manager.