Student wellbeing encompasses a commitment to the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well being of all students. Our student wellbeing program is structured so that each child is known as an individual, is challenged to reach his or her potential and feels connected to a cohesive community through various initiatives including student leadership, faith development, social justice, mental health, anti-bullying and cybersafety.
We encourage our young people to value and respect themselves, build positive relationships and contribute to the welcoming feel our College is renowned for. At Mater Maria, the inclusive nature of our coeducational setting provides a wide range of natural opportunities for building positive and happy relationships between girls and boys needed for life after school.
Students are encouraged to have a growth mindset by developing personal goals and the resilience to use feedback for learning. Our behaviour management approach is grounded in restorative justice in a spirit of reconciliation which allows our students to discern appropriate behaviour and grow into responsible young adults.