Mater Maria > Student Wellbeing > Cyber Safety > Cyber Safety Tips for Students

Cyber Safety Tips for Students

The internet and mobile phones provide a great way to communicate and express yourself with others, but it’s important to make sure they’re used responsibly so that everybody has an enjoyable online experience. It’s all about respecting yourself and others.

  •  Remember
  •  Every
  •  Single
  •  Person is
  •  Entitled to
  •  Consideration and
  •  Tolerance


It’s all about respecting yourself and others.

  • Use a strong password (a combination of upper and lower case letters, symbols and numbers). Don’t share your password and change it often.
  • Don’t believe everything you read – make sure you know it’s coming from a reliable source.
  • Don’t give out any private information over the internet or through mobile phones about you, your family, friends or other people that you know.
  • Think before you post, send or blog! You have to think about what you are saying and how the recipient/s may feel.
  • Don’t post inappropriate or illegal content anywhere on the internet.
  • Make sure your social networking profile is set to private (check your security settings regularly).
  • Only accept friend requests from people you actually know – even if it is a friend of a friend it’s not a good idea to add them unless you actually know them.
  • Tell your friends to ask for your permission before uploading and/or tagging a photo of you on their social networking profiles.
  • Don’t click on any links that are embedded in emails – type the URL into the browser and go from there.
  • Install, firewall, anti-spyware and anti-virus software and update them often.

If something makes you feel uncomfortable… TELL SOMEONE.

Speak to an adult you trust or you can also contact:

  • Reach Out
  • Bullying No Way
  • Youth Beyond Blue 
  • Kids helpline

Adapted from the Australian Federal Police “Cybersafety: Top Ten Tips for Youth