
Casual Employment

To gain casual employment at Mater Maria Catholic College, a systemic school in the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, applicants must satisfy the CSO’s pre-employment checks and meet the legislative requirements for child protection. The Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay has revised the process for teachers and support staff applying for classification. To be eligible for casual employment at Mater Maria Catholic College, a person must:

1. Complete Pre-Employment Checks

a) NSW Working with Children Check for paid employment by applying at the Office of the Children’s Guardian website.

b) For teachers: Verify their teacher accreditation status with the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES). Teachers who have worked in an NSW school before 1 October 2004, and have not had a break from teaching for more than five years, do not currently need to be accredited. If this is not the case, commence the accreditation process by applying for Provisional or Conditional Accreditation at the BOSTES website.

2. Complete the Teacher or Support (non-teaching) Staff Application form

These application forms are available from Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay website.

3. Submit the Application with the following supporting documentation

a) Cover letter addressed to the Principal.
b) Curriculum Vitae including the the names and contact details of at least two referees.
c) 100 point identification check (certified by a Justice of the Peace).
d) Working with Children Check number.
e) Academic transcripts degrees/diplomas/certificates for all courses listed in your education history (certified by a Justice of the Peace).
f) Reports of Efficiency as a teacher and/or Practice Teaching Reports (if an early career teacher (if applicable).
g) Records of employment/statements of service (if applicable) to be provided on relevant education authority letterhead.
h) BOSTES Teacher Summary Report (if applicable).
i) BOSTES identification card (if applicable) evidencing financial currency.

Casual Teaching Staff applications should be emailed to the Director of Administration and casual Support (non-teaching) Staff applications should be emailed to the Business Manager.

Once documentation has been received the Director of Administration (casual teaching applications) or Business Manager (casual non-teaching applications) will contact you to acknowledge receipt of your application. Please note, this application is an expression of interest only and applicants will be contacted for an interview if a position becomes available. At this time the original copies of the documentation outlined above will need to be sighted by the College.